Ontology selection component that encapsulates ontology search and tree components.
changeDetection | ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush |
providers |
selector | ccf-ontology-selection |
styleUrls | ./ontology-selection.component.scss |
templateUrl | ./ontology-selection.component.html |
Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
Outputs |
constructor(ontologySearchService: OntologySearchService)
Creates an instance of ontology selection component.
Parameters :
header | |
Type : boolean
occurenceData | |
Type : Record<string | number>
A record of terms within the current filter. To be passed on to ontology-tree |
ontologyFilter | |
Type : string[]
Input list of selected ontology terms passed down to ontology-tree. Used to change display of ontology tree when selection is made from outside the component. |
placeholderText | |
Type : string
showtoggle | |
Type : boolean
termData | |
Type : Record<string | number>
A record of terms the app currently has data for. To be passed on to ontology-tree |
treeModel | |
Type : OntologyTreeModel
The ontology tree model to display |
ontologySelection | |
Type : EventEmitter
Captures and passes along the change in ontologySelections. |
filterNodes | ||||||
filterNodes(selectedTypes: string[])
Parameters :
Returns :
selected | ||||||||
selected(ontologyNode: OntologyTreeNode)
Ontology selection event when node is selected from the search results.
Parameters :
Returns :
biomarkerLabelMap |
Default value : new Map([
['gene', 'BG'],
['protein', 'BP'],
['lipids', 'BL'],
['metabolites', 'BM'],
['proteoforms', 'BF'],
biomarkerMenuOptions |
Type : string[]
currentNodes |
Type : string[]
Public ontologySearchService |
Type : OntologySearchService
Service for searching the ontology.
rootNode |
Type : OntologyTreeNode
rootNode$ |
Type : Observable<OntologyTreeNode>
tooltips |
Type : string[]
tree |
Type : OntologyTreeComponent
Decorators :
@ViewChild(OntologyTreeComponent, {static: false})
View child of search component |
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { OntologyTreeModel, OntologyTreeNode } from 'ccf-database';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/internal/Observable';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { OntologySearchService } from '../../../core/services/ontology-search/ontology-search.service';
import { OntologyTreeComponent } from '../ontology-tree/ontology-tree.component';
* Ontology selection component that encapsulates ontology search and tree components.
selector: 'ccf-ontology-selection',
templateUrl: './ontology-selection.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./ontology-selection.component.scss'],
providers: [OntologySearchService],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class OntologySelectionComponent implements OnChanges {
* View child of search component
@ViewChild(OntologyTreeComponent, { static: false }) tree!: OntologyTreeComponent;
* A record of terms within the current filter. To be passed on to ontology-tree
@Input() occurenceData!: Record<string, number>;
* A record of terms the app currently has data for. To be passed on to ontology-tree
@Input() termData!: Record<string, number>;
* The ontology tree model to display
@Input() treeModel!: OntologyTreeModel;
* Input list of selected ontology terms passed down to ontology-tree.
* Used to change display of ontology tree when selection is made from
* outside the component.
@Input() ontologyFilter!: string[];
@Input() header!: boolean;
@Input() placeholderText!: string;
@Input() showtoggle!: boolean;
* Captures and passes along the change in ontologySelections.
@Output() readonly ontologySelection = new EventEmitter<OntologyTreeNode[]>();
currentNodes!: string[];
biomarkerMenuOptions!: string[];
rootNode!: OntologyTreeNode;
tooltips!: string[];
rootNode$: Observable<OntologyTreeNode>;
biomarkerLabelMap = new Map([
['gene', 'BG'],
['protein', 'BP'],
['lipids', 'BL'],
['metabolites', 'BM'],
['proteoforms', 'BF'],
* Creates an instance of ontology selection component.
* @param ontologySearchService Service for searching the ontology.
constructor(public ontologySearchService: OntologySearchService) {
this.rootNode$ = ontologySearchService.rootNode$.pipe(
tap((rootNode) => {
this.rootNode = { ...rootNode };
if ( === 'biomarkers') {
this.tooltips = [...rootNode.children];
this.biomarkerMenuOptions = [...rootNode.children]
.map((option) => this.biomarkerLabelMap.get(option))
.filter((x): x is string => x !== undefined);
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
if ('treeModel' in changes && this.treeModel) {
* Ontology selection event when node is selected from the search results.
* @param ontologyNode selected ontology node.
selected(ontologyNode: OntologyTreeNode): void {
const nodes = this.treeModel?.nodes ?? {};
this.tree.expandAndSelect(ontologyNode, (node) => nodes[node.parent]);
filterNodes(selectedTypes: string[]): void {
const nodes = Object.values(this.treeModel.nodes);
const filteredNodes = nodes
.filter((node) => selectedTypes.includes(this.biomarkerLabelMap.get(node.parent) ?? ''))
.sort((node1, node2) => (node1.label.trim().toLowerCase() > node2.label.trim().toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1));
const rootNode = { ...this.rootNode };
rootNode.children = =>;
this.rootNode = { ...rootNode };
*ngIf="rootNode$ | async"